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Lead Guitar 2

Worship guitar – Lead Guitar 2 – playing solos

I heard of an electric guitarist playing in church for a service. The worship leader played a ‘50s rock’n’roll style song. He turned and gave the electric guitarist a nod to take a guitar solo. The guitarist panicked – he had no idea what to play or how to solo in that style.

Lead guitar 2 is all about being able to play a guitar solo in various styles.


We examine:

• The layout and significance of the pentatonic scale.

• The blues form – 12-bar accompaniment patterns.

• Swing and straight eighths

• The blues scale in theory and practise.

• Intervals

• The major and natural minor scales in improvisation

• Arpeggios

We will also introduce some common techniques on the guitar – the mechanics of right hand motion, alternate picking, economy and sweep picking, legato and tapping.

By the end of the course the student should feel confident that they have a more thorough knowledge of the fretboard layout, and a hands-on knowledge of guitar techniques. The student should be able to play a guitar solo in various musical styles and genres.

Being a practical course the various aspects will be illustrated by examining songs.

Lead Guitar 2 Objective:

By the end of the course the student should feel confident that they have a more thorough knowledge of the fretboard layout, and a hands-on knowledge of guitar techniques. The student should be able to play a guitar solo in various musical styles and genres.

Spring 2025 Lead Guitar 2 COURSE SCHEDULE

• Friday Evenings 6:30 – 7:45 pm – Starting 

Lead Guitar 2 – £155 (Early bird only £145.00)